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P-DTR København


What is P-DTR? 

P-DTR Copenhagen

P-DTR is revolutionary therapy for your nervous system and the brain. It is based on profound understanding of neurology, biomechanics, neurophysiology and anatomy. P-DTR takes into account how the brain interprets the information it gets from our body and environment and puts them to use.  

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What makes it special?

P-DTR treats special nerve endings called “receptors”, neural pathways and brain itself to map out and treat problems - whether it’s pain, discomfort, movement issues or strange feelings in your body. That makes it unique kind of therapy that will help you resolve the problems that you thought you will have to live with.  


Remember - every single process in our body is run and supervised by our nervous system! If your nervous system is not "tuned up” and your brain starts to receive and interpret maladaptive information from receptors, dysfunction and pain appears. 

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P-DTR practitioner will use a lot of different nervous system challenges to observe your bodily responses and map out the dysfunction that is causing the pain or discomfort. Using neurological manual muscle tests P-DTR practitioner gathers the information about your nervous system organisation and functionality. Treatment itself is very gentle, precise and brings the change in function and pain instantaneously.

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How does it work? 

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What can P-DTR help me with? 

P-DTR works with wide range of symptoms and problems, including: 


• Muscular aches and pains

• Limited range of motion or pain which prevents proper movement

• P-DTR works with symptoms and syndromes: joint pain, hip pain, neck pain and any other pain    symptom

• Numbness, burning sensations in the limbs

• Headaches, dizziness, noise in the ears

• Post-Concussion Syndrome

• Urogenital dysfunctions

• Digestive issues – chronic abdominal pain, reflux, etc

• Hypersensitivity to light, sounds, any other stimuli

• Post operational rehabilitation

• Post traumatic syndrome

• Rehabilitation from sport injuries

• Weight problems

• Food intolerance

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